
by davidridgway on 21 September, 2010

Tuesday 21 September

Just got back from Liverpool.  I had real concerns that, with hindsight, Liverpool might not have been the best choice for the Liberal Democrat annual autumn conference.  Why? Well, it did appear that hotels were hard to find at a resonable cost.  And I then thought that if it was difficult for me, it would be difficult for so many others.

How wrong I was.  This has been an uplifting expeerience.  The hotel situation was quite wrong.  I booked in plenty of time and was really well looked after.  The people we met were welcoming, talkative, friendly and helpful – even in the downpour on Saturday night!  The delegates were in great heart.  Obviously there are some misgivings concerning the coalition, but as that nice Mr Clegg said (and I paraphrase) the media must understand that no party won a mandate in May, not us, not the Conservatives and especially not Labour.  So, to get out of the mess left for us, we must take responsible action and compomise on our overall agendas.  This does not mean that some of our long-held beliefs and principles are removed forever.  No, they have been put to one side while other, more pressing matters are addressed and if our principles can be incorporated in the curent decision making processes, then so much the better.

What has really amused me is the number of reporters milling around trying to find evidence of splits, particularly the BBC.  I have been interviewed three times.  And afterwards, each reporter has agreed that there is very little evidence of splits and that, to quote one of them “You’re actually doing a very good job”.

On Sunday morning, outside my hotel I bumped into a chap who wanted to stop and talk.  He said he was a Labour supporter and was really disappointed that we had formed a coalition with the Conservatives.  I asked him what we should have done and he said a coalition with Labour, even though the figures just didn’t add up.  He then suggested letting the Tories set up a minority government, but agreed that this would have had no possible chance of survival.  Surely, I asked, we must all get together to sort out the deficit.  He thought we should borrow more to do this!  He then said he had to get on as he was going to London for a meeting and that he was a union official with Unite.  he didn’t actually get to London because I saw him at the Unite rally an hour or so later, outside the conference centre.  Why can’t people be open and honest lijke children are.

The conference was massive.  The largest ever.  Everyone I met was pleased with the progress that Mr Clegg has made and how much more gravitas this has given to the party.  For us, however, the really important matter is to win the Alternative Vote referendum.  With that in place, we may seriously claim to be changing politics for food and for ever.

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