W/comm 27 September

by davidridgway on 30 September, 2010

So, Ed’s the man.   Was amused to receive a comment by text reminding me that Mr Ed was the name of a horse that ran in, I think, the Grand National.  So long ago, I can’t remember, but the connection is there!!

Will his confirmation as leader of the Labour party presage a seismic shift to the left – well, we’ll have to wait and see.

 The Colne Valley ward has selected Lynn Bradbury as candidate to replace Margaret Fearnley who has decided to stand down.  Now the real job of campaigning has started, but we do have a solid foundation on which to build.  And, with the Government seemingly pressing the right buttons, we should retain the seat.

Wakefield on Wednesday last to discuss the future of the West Yorkshire Regional Control Centre.  These RCCs have been built across the country at great expense, but the company supposedly interlinking them with the necessary and appropriate ITT is falling down on its commitments.  The project is long overdue, well over budget and causing considerable and growing anger with Fire Authorities and the Coalition.  Final announcements are due, but we really need to draw a line in the sand.

 Was in London on Friday at the Fire Commission.  Again, all the old arguments were being raked over with regard to RCCs.  To add to all this, the Fire Minister has embarked on a complete review of the Fire Service which seems to be demonstrating a classic divide and rule approach.  Minister Neill “You are the experts, so get on with the job.”  Civil Service “We will review the whole service and decide what reductions there will be in your grant”.  These two statements are not cohesive and I rather feel that there is a rear guard action being played by the Civil Service.

Very pleasant weekend in the garden and so on.  Autumn is coming on apace and I must get plants pulled so they will be dry enough for the bonfire come 5 November.

Back to casework now!!

Update 30 Sept.  I gather Mr Ed was a talking horse from the early 60s on the TV.  Just goes to show how memory plays tricks.  But it’s a bit of a snum to Ed that Dave wants nothing to do with recreating the supposed unity in the Labour Party.

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