12 November 2010 (part 2)

by davidridgway on 12 November, 2010

What hypocrites the labour party contains and, moreover, what hypocrites the lecturers are who have involved themselves with the student protest yesterday.

Now, the students are absolutely right to be concerned at the increase in tuition fees, BUT where was the protest when the LABOUR Government removed student grants soon after gaining power under BLAIR.

My elder son was at university at that time and there was NO interest in protesting because we have a new, lovey lovey LABOUR government and the B******y universities weren’t going to upset them were they.

How I despise the bandwaggoners, the Guardian claret drinkers and the socialist cul-de-sacists. This Government, love it or hate it, is actually governing with inherent Liberal principles and to have some government at all is a particularly different matter after all those years of drift and spin.


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