Friday 12 November

by davidridgway on 12 November, 2010

It’s been a couple of weeks since I last left a post and, once again, much has been happening.

Had a trip down to Kent on Fire Authority business. The 6 brigades at the conference are getting to grips with the innovations and efficiencies (cuts) in very different ways. Staffordshire seem to be a long way behind, but to a greater or lesser extent all the others are seemingly confident that the cuts of 25% over the next 4 years can be accommodated.

Th big news, I suppose, is the removal of Phil Woolas from Oldham East and Saddleworth for apparently telling lies in his General Election literature. I have already been over to Saddleworth and the response I got on the streets was really encouraging. I gather that there is to be an appeal, but for the life of me I can’t understand why.

The students have been demonstrating over tuition fees – and quite right too. It’s interesting to note that the press is really castigating the LibDems for reneging (their word) on the election promise to scrap tuition fees. The press is obviously being stoked up by the Labour Party. I mean, with 57 seats, how can the LDs dictate to the Tories on this issue. The Party’s rank and file is still totally supportive of the Party’s policy which is to scrap the fees. The real question to be answered is “When?”.

There has never been any assistance or support from Labour (two-faced, deceitful, conniving party that it is) on this subject, but it is quite happy to campaign in such an obviously hateful way. I really do hope that the re-run of O E and S will result in a real drubbing for Labour. It’s all they deserve.

The coalition appears to be holding strong and is still receiving popular support.

Locally, we are getting to grips with the newly expanded Valleys Area Committee. The Tories hate it, but at least one of their number from Holmfirth appears to be engaged. We were in an AC meeting last night debating the future of Public Transport in the Colne and Holme valleys. AGAIN!! There will be a continual contraction of facilities and we will all continue to wear hair shirts. Nothing will improve until the real decision-making is devolved to local politicians so that we can start to control the bus companies. And that will need some considerable tweaking of the Public Transport bills. Hey-ho!

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